Monday, May 21, 2007


waarschijnlijk ben ik de laatste van heel de wereld die deze site heeft gezien maar persoonlijk vind ik hem geweldig. Flickrvisoin toont elke al de foto's die geupload worden. dit in realtime met locatie, gebruikersnaam en commentaar bij.


Monday, May 7, 2007

update sound graffiti

you might remember the 'sound bombs' i talked about a few post ago. if you don't, take a look.

there a new development in the scene, if you can call it that already. It's called 'audio bombing' basically you take an ordinary tape and record you sound. you disemble the tape and just take the audiostrip and tape in where you want. Thay also made a prototype machine that let's you hear the recorded sound.

this work is related to STEIM. a dutch audio art institution. for my research i will have to take a closer look at this art center.