Thursday, April 12, 2007

explenation of the research + brainstorm session in english

Hello again, and welcome to the magical world of instruments.

I will explain what i want to do before posting the brainstorm session.

I'm going to create a digital instrument but not any instrument it will be designed for a particular target group. It will address their needs for an instrument.

this brainstorm session is just on my own to see what can be done in some area's. The final project will be defined after a meeting with a delagation of the desired target group. I will choose this group according to the most interesting idea's i myself can come up with so i can use that as a base for expanding it to their needs.

here are a few groups and possible projects:


Trigger certain sounds when an action is made.
E.g. Squash: the sound it makes will be determined by the location where the ball hits the wall. The sportsmen could also wear a ‘motion capturing suit’ that could detect certain movements and link them to samples or any other sound.

Physically disabled persons

people who a disabled will often train their coordination with a ball, because the shape is easy to grab and manipulate. This makes it easy for the person to train. There are a few different movements that can be done with a ball (roll, squeeze, throw, bounce, spin, ...) it might be interesting to make this exercise into a creative thing. By matching certain movements to a sound or sample the disabled person can make music while exercising.

This would be a solution to a problem defined by BOSK (Dutch organization for disabled persons and their close surroundings.), that all the attention is going to the physical stimulation while people and certainly children need just as much mental stimulation.


looking at a target group the has a total lack of musical talent and giving them a way to create music. First look at their core business and start working from there.

With nerds this is programming. So I could design a way for nerd to program their music by taking some tags that return in most languages and make them trigger a certain sound or sample. Their code, probably written for something boring will transform in a creative piece of music. This might actually stimulate the ‘nerd’ to program specifically for this instrument. An interesting thought is that this might become a language of it’s own which borrowed his tags from all the other languages.

visitors of a public building

when you enter a bar, it might be nice that you could have an influence on the music. Every person in a room could then depending on where he is standing trigger a sound or sample.

the customer at a bar

Every beverage could have it’s own label that is attached to a sound or sample. Ever table would then be equipped with a censor that could generate music depending on the different beverages. Here it could be interesting to link certain styles of music to different drinks.

____// Remarks

1) These are complicated propositions but if i do some research and find that it’s impossible, i could always downsize it to a realistic concept.

e.g. in staid of the censors and labels in the bar, it’s possible to just calculate the weight on a table and go from there.

2) with some projects it would be better to ad some visualisation.

e.g. when the weight is calculated on a table it’s possible to determine when the drinks are almost empty. The color of the light at that table could turn into another colour suggesting a bartender should go over there.

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